Mobile gaming is emerging as the prime pastime as record numbers of consumers practice social distancing and use their downtime to discover new games or binge on favorites. Players are also congregating on esports platforms, digital safe spaces where they can compete on skill, and win big on prize money.
When your content features Serena Williams, Martin Scorsese, Dr. Jane Goodall, Natalie Portman, or Gordon Ramsey, it sells itself—or at least that’s what you’d expect, right? Well, it’s true to some degree, but that doesn’t mean the marketing team at Masterclass doesn’t have some challenges to overcome.
In a market where people crave personal experiences and bypass ads they feel miss the mark, the pressure is on marketers to deliver relevant and riveting ad creatives that engage consumers, rather than annoy them. It's a critical source of competitive advantage for marketers that want to activate and motivate audiences at scale.
Want to hear something sobering? Some marketers spend upwards of $100,000 a day on paid customer acquisition. Meanwhile, new research shows that if 70% of brands were to disappear consumers wouldn’t care. The truth is, it’s not about how much money you spend, it’s about how magnetic you are—how well you can capture and hold your audience’s interest.
App market intelligence reports show personal finance apps, our “go-to” app category to manage our daily lives, are poised for massive growth, chalking up more than a 1 trillion sessions globally in 2019 alone. But heightened interest doesn’t automatically result in lasting loyalty.
Retention is the new growth. I’ve said it before and will say it again—but that’ even more true among highly competitive apps for on-demand services.
John Koetsier and Peggy Anne Salz sat down with Sunil Thomas, CEO and Co-founder of CleverTap—who has helped solve retention for more than 8,000 apps—to talk about the keys to improving app retention and the metrics you need to measure to know if your efforts are effective.
Individualized engagement is becoming integral to marketing success. A brand’s power of perception has shifted from the business to the individual, and marketers are feeling the pressure to ensure consistency across all the channels their brand is experienced—digital, in-app, and in the real world.
Programmatic opens up new inventory and new opportunities in Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising, paving the way for marketers who leverage spatial, audience and movement data to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time. Our host Peggy Anne Salz and Tom Laband, Co-Founder & CEO of adsquare, discuss how a data-driven approach to OOH (activated by mobile devices or even connected cars) enhances the ability of brands to drive customer connection and contextual relevance through outdoor campaigns.
In a connected age where consumers crave authenticity, companies must make every effort, using everything they know about their audience, to deliver experiences that address needs, anticipate interests or simply go the distance to make their life better. We get a crash course in data-driven “Empathy Marketing” when our host Peggy Anne Salz catches up with Chy Seng, Head of Mobile Growth at Grammarly.
Customer acquisition costs are on the rise, forcing marketers to think more about retaining the users they’ve already spent mightily to obtain. But to keep your customers, you need to understand them.
Fintech apps are getting personal, helping consumers manage their lives, not just their money. Current, a nimble neobank, is gaining steam with an app focused on “connecting your money to the friends, family, brands and experiences that matter.
When it comes to mobile, the advantages of offering the appropriate marketing and messaging at the appropriate point in the funnel can be massive. Indeed, research shows that sending targeted messages tailored to a specific customer segment can increase conversions by up to 200%.
Our host Peggy Anne Salz catches up with John Koetsier—journalist, analyst and futurist—to spotlight emerging developments and disruptive forces shaping digital in 2020. From the requirement to curtail “Big Tech” to the demand for smarter “smart” tech, and from the shift away from customer acquisition toward engagement to the rise of virtual experiences (over physical ones), John walks us through the megatrends sure to mark the year ahead.