Apps & Marketing

Bumble user acquisition execs on growth, data, iOS 14.5, and the crazy, insane 2020s

2 min read

My growth isn’t tanking … I’m doing an incrementality test!

If you’re one of the largest dating platforms on the planet, you probably know something about growth. So Peggy and John were super-happy to chat with Bumble director of growth marketing Morry Mitrani and senior growth marketing manager Solange Baki, along with Liftoff’s director of creative, Thomas Zukowski.

We chat about the ongoing changes/challenges/impacts of COVID, the marketing data apocalypse in iOS 14.5, how Bumble uses creative for targeting and conversions, and the challenges of modern attribution and marketing measurement.

We also chat about privacy, cross-platform, and how Bumble is expanding beyond dating to friends and work colleagues … and how Bumble has pioneered the ability to delete part of an app off your phone, instead of the entire and complete app.

In addition:

Mobile news:
Facebook AMM and a lawsuit that says Google and Facebook worked together, possibly illegally.

And… mobile heroes in the news, with funding, SPACs, explosive growth, promotions, and much, much more…
Etienne de Guébriant, Gazeus Games
Kartick Narayan, founder and CEO, Kilo
Melissa Lertsmitivanta, Marketing Director at
Kelvin Saputra, Performance Marketing Manager, Kredivo
Iain Russell, Head of Performance Marketing, Moneyhub

Catch up on other episodes of Mobile Heroes Uncensored here.