Video ads are the fastest-growing (we’ve got the numbers) and the most lucrative (just guessing on this one) sector of mobile advertising, and we dive into color theory and usage and pricing and how to build them and about 3.72% of everything else you need to know about mobile video advertising. Plus, of course, we play evil games and reveal all our guests’ deepest and darkest secrets, insecurities, and deep-seated vulnerabilities in a barely-functional we say “panel,” they say “group therapy session.”
Our guests, who outshine our soon-to-be-jobless hosts in every way imaginable except sheer animal sex appeal, include:Lukasz Kwiecien, Head of Marketing @ Gamesture, Pierre Strubelt, Senior Affiliate Marketing Manager @ Lovoo, Etienne de Guébrian, Head of UA @ Gazeus Games, and Deanna Ulrich, Manager, Ad Creative @ Liftoff.
Catch up on other episodes of Mobile Heroes Uncensored here.